5 Questions You Need To Be Asking Your Hairdresser

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When it comes to your relationship with your hairdresser it should be like other relationships in your life being honest, comfortable and open. I used to be in many bad relationships with hairdressers where I was too nervous to stick to the look I wanted and even more nervous to tell them after that the end result wasn’t what I was after.

The best way to build your relationship with your hairdresser is to ask questions. The more you know the more relaxed you will feel. The sign of a good hairdresser is they will always be happy to answer your questions because they actually care about their client and that’s the kind of hairdresser that you want!


Is there a treatment that you would recommend for my hair type?

Let’s be honest we all treat our hair rough sometimes. With dying our hair, using products and heated tools we can leave our hair needing a little TLC. Ask your hairdresser about what treatment the salons offers and what treatments would work best for your hair type. You will be amazed the difference that a good treatment can make!

How can I best style my new cut at home?

We have all had “that” cut. Where we look like a Victoria Secret Angel in the salon and the next day our hair looks more like Britney Spears circa 2007 (bad hair year for Britney). It’s all good that your style looks great in the salon but you have to be able to recreate it at home. So ask your hairdresser how you can make the style look just as good when you get home. Watch how they use certain tools. What angle are they holding the blow dryer? Where are they applying certain products? The more you know how they created the look the better your chance to get the same look at home.

What products would help my hair look its best at home?

In the past when a hairdresser would start to tell me products that they used I would feel like they were just trying to sell me some expensive shampoos that I didn’t need. However what hairdressers know is that your hair is only going to look as good as the products you use. It’s the same for makeup! So next time ask your hairdresser if there are a few products that would really help your hair. Maybe just start with one and add on as you can afford them.


Is there a particular style that you would recommend for my hair type?

We all like to arrive at the hairdressers with photos of perfect hair that we would like. I am even guilty of bring in a photo of Kim Kardashian as reference to what I would like to look like (Sorry I am not sorry) . The best person who can tell you what would suit you is the hairdresser  standing right in front of you. They are experts and have trained to know face shape, hair color to skin tone matches and more. So next time ask your hairdresser what they think and you might be amazed what looks you didn’t know would suit you.

When should I come in next to see you?

This sounds like a silly question but I am the worst at getting a great hair cut and treatment, feeling like a million bucks and then leaving it too long before my next appointment. All that does is leave your hairdresser fixing your hair each appointment rather then improving your hair each appointment. Ask your hairdresser when they think you should next come in and book your next appointment then and there. Your hair and hairdresser will love you for it. ♥

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