The Best Scone Recipe if you Hate Baking

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The name of this article pretty much sums it up. I have found the ultimate scone recipe for the person who really doesn’t like baking. Now don’t get me wrong sometimes I wake up and I am actually Martha Stewart. I put on jazz, make some hipster coffee and get my bake on!

But it always seems like whenever I actually need to bring baking somewhere I am not in the mood. The other day I had to bring scones to a bridal shower and I woke up in no mood to bake. I went on a hunt for the easiest most non painful scone recipe I could find. I tweaked it and goodness gracious the scones turned out perfect! At the bridal shower woman started lifting me on their shoulders and chanting my name….well not quite but I got lots of compliments. So here it is. The perfect scone for when you just cant find your inner Martha. Your welcome xo.

Ingredients (all 4 of them.. whaaaat amazing)

Servings 8-10
2 cups self-raising flour
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 cup milk


“Hec yes I made these from scratch” -You


Preheat the oven to 220°C.

Melt your butter and set aside (ok so far so good)

Sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Or to make it even easier you can add them to a large mixing bowl and aerate with a whisk.

Slowly add the milk and butter to the flour. Work the milk and butter in with a knife using a cutting action.

Do not knead the dough.

Place on a lightly floured tray and gently roll to about 5cm thick Cut with a 5 cm scone cutter or the top of a narrow glass  Note -I just skip this and take blobs of batter and plop them onto the tray #rustic

Place close together on a baking tray and lightly brush the tops with a little extra milk (makes it nice and crispy)

Bake 10-15 minutes…Drops Mic.

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