Top winter skincare products you need

Winter is well and truly upon us and my view on winter is the same on many things…its only lame if you make it lame. Pretty deep aye. Well its true most people I know hate winter. They hate the cold, the rain and the what it can do to their skin.

Well I say its all about how you look at it. I see cosy nights inside with the fire, winter comfort food and a perfect time to treat my skin to richer creams and oils. As much as its nice to snuggle up inside its still important to get out and about. Yesterday some of my girlfriends and I went to Rad café, got some strong coffee and then headed up One Tree Hill (on the hill side not the lovely path) it was freezing and very windy but also incredibly fun.

So this winter lets all embrace the chill and make the most of a great season. Soon enough it will be summer again and we will be praying for relief against the heat. However it is important to look after you skin this winter and I have my favorite winter skin saving products for you along with some snaps from our winter walk.

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First up is Trilogy Aromatic Body Oil

“A fast-absorbing blend of nature’s most nutritious pure plant oils to moisturise and soften. Oil is winters best friend so lather the good stuff on.”

A fast-absorbing blend of nature's most nutritious pure plant oils to moisturise and soften


Your hands are the most exposed part of your body to the cold so don’t leave the house without Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve

“Helps protect against and repair the appearance of severe dryness caused by heavy industrial work, manual labor, neglect, or exposure to harsh elements. Allows skin to draw and absorb water from the air, forming a “glove–like” protective barrier against moisture loss”




Your lips can take a beating in winter time so to flight the flake I love Burts Bees Ultra Moisturizing Lip Treatment

“For lips that’ll make you smile, try this mega moisturizer. Made with replenishing Kokum Butter, it quickly gives your kisser lots of love all day long.”



And finally Anipodes Saviour Skin Balm. This stuff is really really good.

“Offer sure salvation to skin troubles with this potent conditioning balm. Nature’s richest oils blend with the power-packed antibacterial and antifungal healing properties of totara and Australian tea tree, while antioxidant-rich echinacea and Vinanza Grape® optimise cell and skin repair.”




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