Boss Babe// Jessica from Tan in the City

One thing that might surprise you about myself is that I never get spray tans. I had one bad experience years ago where I was left feeling sticky and orange and never really tried again. This was until a good friend recommended Jessica from Tan in the City . I was very lucky to actually get to meet Jessica on the day she opened her brand new salon in Remuera. So how did I find this tanning experience compared to the last?
Well firstly the Tan in the City salon was warm (like the actually temperature) and it smelled amazing verses the cold room where I stood shivering in a paper g-string during my bad tan experience.
Loving my tan it was the perfect shade!
It is amazing how important a warm room is when you are naked and being sprayed with a liquid.
Secondly Jess was super inviting, bubbly and professional. Thirdly and most importantly…my tan was incredible!! Like amazing. I couldn’t believe how amazing I felt all week. It made every outfit I wore look better and I just felt I looked healthier. I am now officially hooked and I don’t even care! Tan me up Jess I am here to stay.
What I love about amazing businesses are the amazing woman behind them. So I wanted you to get to know Jessica yourself so I have asked her 10 questions. Get to know Jessica below and book your tan asap to see what I am talking about!
How did you get into Tanning? 
I started or grew the want to start my business when I watched both my sisters have a skill/profession that let them work from home – my twin is a hairdresser and my younger sister is a beauty therapist – They both had little home salons…  My younger sister is the one that used to tan me and I loved it – looked into it more and when I got pregnant I started it up
What has the best and hardest thing about owning your own business?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the fact that YOU are responsible for making it – how driven (and passionate) you are is a direct correlation to making the money needed to stay in business for yourself.  Trusting myself and that I can do it also hard – believing in myself… I have grown from a tiny home salon to a now retail based salon with staff  and I am still planning on growing more!
What advice do you have for any woman wanting to go out on her own?
DO IT!  but after you have researched and having a back up is handy while you are starting out – wether thats a supportive partner or a healthy bank balance…
It is so liberating achieving your goals that you set and knowing that the harder you work the more you will succeed – believing in yourself can only be good for your right?
Are you a tea or coffee kinda girl?
Definately coffee – Im a double teaspoon Moccona kind of girl or a double shot FW 🙂
Where would your dream holiday be?
Just to good a good ol’ sunny tropical island where there are cocktails and sunshine on tap.
What is your tanning pet peeve?
Clients who put up with regular BAD tans?!!! you should not have to have a bad tan!!!  I know they do this because before they come to me and realise there is such thing as consistently good tans they do and then I get the stories!!
What is the biggest mistake people make when tanning? 
Panicking after the rinse off shower!! ha ha.. I get a few distressed calls and txts!!  The tan will redevelop but its really hard to believe it when you shower after your fast tan and your back to pasty white!!
What is your best tip for getting a great tan?
Prepare your skin first (read my tan prep page) bring appropriate loose clothing and moisturise daily after the tan.
Favorite place to eat at the moment?
Ummm I’m so lame.. its actually Hells pizza on my couch after a long Friday!! ha ha.. can you tell I’m a single mum who does not get out much!
In 5 years I see myself..? 
Looking after a bunch of Tan in the City franchises and staff and STILL being the best around and loving what I do ♥


REMUERA SALON – 3 Norana Ave, Remuera – located at rear of Total Hair care and Beauty
Phone : 022 I TAN YOU (4826968)

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