Review// Moroccantan

I don’t know about you but it seems like this winter has been an especially long one. I normally have a bit of color naturally to my skin but it seems this winter has stripped me of all my color and left me feeling very pale and very in need of a tan. So when I received this lovely tropical package from MoroccanTan I couldn’t have gotten tanning any faster!

When it comes to trying tanning products I have my three S’s. No not sun, surf and sand but rather smell, skin, and streak. Here’s how MoroccanTan did against my three S’s.

Firstly smell. I am really funny about smelling like fake tan. I don’t care if I look like Kim Kardashian on holiday in Mexico, if I smell like I have tanned myself then I wont use the product again! MoroccanTan was the right balance. When you apply the tan it smells like a strong moisturiser. It doesn’t smell like a tanner but its not an amazing smell. However who cares because the smell goes away when it drys and then smells like nothing! Perfect. So far so good!

Next is skin. How good is it for my skin? Well this is where MoroccanTan does really well. The tan is enriched with nourishing vitamins A, C and E to intensively moisturise skin. My skin felt great after. This is an important one for me because I want to know I am not covering my body in chemicals and the MoroccanTan is free from alcohol, polyethylene glycol (PEG) and parabens. Yay!


Last but certainly not least is streak. How does the tan actually look? Well as you can tell from the main photo above my left leg is browner but the tan is so far from orange its crazy. That was just after one light application. MoroccanTan gave me a rich deep brown that made my skin look more healthy rather than just tan. This has to be the best qualities about MoroccanTan. The formula utilises deep ashy browns and violet rich bronzers, which adapt to your individual skin tone rather than just a one shade fits all. It really does give you a natural shade of tan.

So overall its a great product that I will totally reach for next time I am needing a quick and easy tan. It did great against my three S’s so I am one happy (and tanned) girl. ♥

Check out MoroccanTan on Facebook

MorocanTan is available at all good tanning and beauty salons. Both the Instant Tanning Lotion and the 2 in 1 Extender and Gradual Tan both retail for $49.95.

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