My Skin Journey with Haven

I recently did a post on Haven and introduced you to the very lovely and baben girl boss Renay. Click here if you want to check it out. You would think being a beauty blogger and makeup artist I have had years of amazing skin treatments but sadly that is just not the truth so I went into my experience of a three facial skin treatment plan excited but not really sure of what the outcome would be.

So lets put on our smarty pants and let me tell you the about my treatments. So firstly I had a A-Zyme Facial Peel. Sounds kinda scary I know. The only thought I had when my lovely beautician said the word peel was horrific scenes from Botched. However the reality is very different.

“The A-Zyme peel utilises Retinol, one of the most effective anti-ageing ingredients available, combined with Bromelain, a potent anti-inflammatory. The power house of all anti-ageing treatments, this fast-acting, non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment has been carefully formulated to combat the effects of ageing and UV damage, as well as improve the appearance of fine lines, skin tone and texture. In addition, the A-Zyme Peel also helps to manage the skin’s oil levels and reduces the build-up of dead skin cells.”

As Retinol has been shown to support the production of new skin cells, the A-Zyme Peel can also target dryness and dehydration, as well as blotchiness – all factors that contribute to visible ageing.

It achieves this by dramatically retexturing the skin and plumping up fine lines and wrinkles with increased hydration to leave the skin looking clarified, refreshed and luminous.

All of the above words sound amazing right. I found that my skin reacted just the way I was told that it would. After two to three days my skin started to gently peel. It wasn’t anything I couldn’t cover for work and it just looked like I was sunburnt like the rest of the New Zealand population during summer.

The results however were just amazing. My skin was the most clear and smooth it had ever felt and it left my counting down the days till my next appointment.


My Second treatment was A Zyme Peel with…drum roll please…Vitamin Infusion.

All I knew from that title was vitamins are good and if they can be infused into my skin that has got to be reeeelly good.

So for this treatment following the peel, an Advanced Vitamin Infusion treatment was performed in addition to the A-Zyme peel, using sonophoresis technology. This fancy new word sonophoresis technology is a game changer and this is why;

Sonophoresis allows your skin to absorb your moisturiser or active vitamins past the first layer and through the barrier that sits between your epidermis and your dermis. This allows the product to penetrate your skin up to a thousand times better than with regular application thereby enhancing the benefits of the active ingredients.

Again after this facial I was so sure I would peel worse with the addition of the Advanced Vitamin Infusion but the infusion is totally non-invasive with no ‘down time’. I am going to be honest I fell asleep during this facial but I couldn’t help it I was just so relaxed. I found that after this treatment my skin left so much plumper along with the clarity and smoothness that the peel gave my skin. I could see clear improvements in my skin and it started to make sense that they recommend treatments on a regular basis as part of your normal beauty regime.

Check my next post for the third and final treatment. Warning if my skin gets any better I may be looking like a 12 year old. ♥

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